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Sister Rosaleen Stoiber, O.P. died in Fremont, California, on January 15, 2025. She was 91 years old and in the 71st year of her religious profession.

Beatrice Odelia Stoiber was born in Wellsburg West Virginia, on July 14, 1933 to Joseph Stoiber and Helena Maria Kubitzi, both natives of Germany. She had three brothers, Joseph, Michael, and Francis and two sisters, Marie Therese Humphrey, and Agnes Helena Peters.

When her family moved to California, Beatrice attended grades K-2 at San Jacinto Elementary School, San Jacinto, CA, and then grades 3 through 12 at St. Francis de Sales School, Riverside, CA, which was staffed by the Houston Dominican Sisters. Beatrice came to know the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose through visits to her father’s cousin, Sister Anna Marie Penzkofer, whom the family would visit at St. Catherine’s Priory, Anaheim.

In 1951, Beatrice entered the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. When she entered the novitiate in June, 1952, Beatrice received the name Sister Rosaleen. On June 20, 1953, she made her first profession of vows.

In 1955, Sister Rosaleen began a remarkable journey of 58 years of ministry in Catholic education. For 48 years, Sister Rosaleen served as teacher or principal in Catholic schools in California and Mexico. In 1963, Sister Rosaleen was the founding principal of St. Edward School, Newark, CA. Nine years later, in 1974, Sister Rosaleen began the first of four assignments that would total 22 years as principal or teacher in three schools in Mexico—Colegio Robert F. Kennedy, Atizapán de Zaragoza, Edo. de México; Colegio La Paz,Delicias, Chihuahua; and Colegio Tomás de Aquino, Maravatío, Michoacán. In addition to teaching or administration, Sister Rosaleen served for ten years as a resident care provider for students at St. Catherine’s Academy, Anaheim, CA.

Describing herself, Sister Rosaleen said very honestly, “I like people,” a quality that led her to form many lasting friendships. She loved God’s creation, and as a young person enjoyed the outdoors where she spent time hiking, biking, swimming, and helping at the community’s summer camps. She shared her love of music with her students and sisters either teaching songs in the classroom or playing the organ in chapel. Sister Rosaleen took pride in sharing her talent for sewing, making habits and veils for the sisters, and later quilts for the community’s annual boutique. Her sisters remember Sister Rosaleen’s love for life, her enthusiasm, generosity, joy, and faithfulness to personal and communal prayer.

The Mass of Christian Burial for Sister Rosaleen will be celebrated on Friday, January 24, at 10:30 a.m. at the Dominican Sisters Motherhouse Chapel, 43326 Mission Circle, Fremont, CA. Burial will follow at God’s Acre, the Sisters’ cemetery at the Motherhouse.

Sister Rosaleen Stoiber, O.P.