Sister Moira Macpherson, O.P., died in Fremont, CA, at the Motherhouse of the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose on November 4, 2023.   She was 91 years old and in the 71st year of her religious profession.

Sister Moira, baptized Elizabeth Patricia, was the daughter of James Macpherson and Elizabeth Macpherson.  Born on January 15, 1932, in San Francisco, CA, she was educated by the Dominican Sisters at St. James Girls School and Immaculate Conception Academy, San Francisco.  On February 2, 1951, she entered the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, and on August 30, 1952, she made her first profession of vows.

During the course of 33 years, Sister Moira ministered in Catholic schools in California.  She taught at San Gabriel Mission Elementary School, San Gabriel, and St. Elizabeth Elementary School, Oakland. Sister Moira served as principal at Flintridge Sacred Heart Grammar School, La Canada; St. Michael’s Elementary School and Santa Teresita School, Los Angeles; and Sacred Heart School, Patterson.  Her teaching ministry also included assignments to two secondary schools, Sacred Heart High School, Los Angeles, and St. Elizabeth High School, Oakland.

For the next twenty-five years, from 1988-2013, Sister Moira was a pastoral minister at St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Martinez, CA, conducting the Rite of Christian Initiation Program (RCIA) program, leading a grief ministry, visiting patients in local hospitals, the elderly in their homes, and veterans at the VA Northern California Health Care System.  Moving to the Motherhouse in 2013, Sister Moira continued her ministry to the sick as a volunteer at Washington Township Hospital, Fremont, until 2020.

Throughout her life Sister Moira had a very keen interest in social justice issues, especially causes involving peace, justice, racial and religious tolerance.

Sister Moira is survived by her brother, Robert, nieces, and nephews.

The Mass of Christian Burial for Sister Moira will be celebrated at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, November 11, at the Dominican Sisters Motherhouse Chapel, 43326 Mission Circle, Fremont. Burial will follow at the Congregation’s cemetery, God’s Acre, located at the Motherhouse.  Those who participate must be fully vaccinated and wear masks.

Sister Moira Macpherson, O.P.