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With proclamation, procession, blessing and song, the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose celebrated the Centenary of the Dedication of Mater Dei Shrine at the Motherhouse at the close of the US Assembly on July 3. Sister Justina Niemierski designed and decorated the shrine in honor of the golden jubilee of profession of Mother Pia Backes, foundress of the Congregation. On August 15, 1923, Archbishop Edward Hanna of San Francisco, dedicated the shrine in honor of Mary, the Mother of God (Mater Dei). The centerpiece of the shrine is an image of Mary set above the altar. It was a gift that Mother Pia received in Europe in 1897. According to Sister Justina, when Mother Pia realized “her life declining, she was solicitous to give an honorable place to [the image of] her Queen and at the same time to leave it as an inheritance to her children.” For this purpose, the shrine was built. Our commitment to grow in right relationships continues to lead us forward.

Sister Justina also planted an enclosed garden around the shrine with a fountain and plants that are described in Sacred Scripture as symbols of Mary. Guided by Sister Justina’s plan, Sister Barbara Hagel, Sister Jeanette De Young, and volunteers are renovating the garden. The centenary celebration began in the assembly hall with readings from Sister Justina’s meditations on the Mater Dei Shrine. Then the Sisters processed to the shrine where Sister Celeste Marie Botello, Congregational Prioress, blessed the garden and prayed, “In this enclosed garden may we renew our love for Mary after the example of Mother Pia, our foundress, in whose honor this holy site was dedicated one hundred years ago.” To conclude the ceremony, the Sisters sang “God Alone,” a song that expresses Mother Pia’s spiritual vision for the Congregation.