Sister Frances Marie Henriques, O.P., died at the Dominican Sisters Motherhouse in Mission San Jose, California, on Tuesday, April 27.   She was 94 years old and in the 73rd year of her religious profession.

Born on April 25, 1927, in Alameda, California, Sister Frances Marie attended St. Bernard Elementary School, Oakland, and graduated from Holy Names Central High School, Oakland.  In 1945, she followed in the footsteps of her older sister, Sister Linda,  and entered the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose. In 1947, she made her first profession of vows as a Dominican Sister.

For 41 years, Sister Frances Marie ministered as teacher or principal in Catholic schools.  In Northern California she taught at St. Elizabeth School, Oakland;  St. James School and Immaculate Conception Elementary School, San Francisco;  School of the Madeleine, Berkeley;  St. Mary of the Angels School, Ukiah;  St. Frances Cabrini School, San Jose; and St. Joseph School, Fremont.    In Southern California she served at St. Callistus School, Garden Grove; San Gabriel Mission Elementary School, San Gabriel; and Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy, LaCanada Flintridge.  

For ten years, Sister Frances Marie served her Congregation as formation director for Sisters in Temporary Profession.

Sister was a “woman for others,” with a sparkling joy, a contagious laugh, a deep love for community, and desire to bring others to know and love Jesus Christ. Funeral services will be private.  

Burial will be at the Congregation’s cemetery, God’s Acre, located at the Motherhouse.

Sister Frances Marie Henriques, O.P.