Sister Dolores Marie Calderwood, O.P., died at the Dominican Sisters Motherhouse in Mission San Jose, California, on May 22.   She was 92 years old and in the 70th year of her religious profession.

Born on February 20, 1929, in San Francisco, California, Sister Dolores Marie was the daughter of Fred Calderwood and Julia O’Connor.  She attended St. James School and Immaculate Conception Academy, San Francisco.  In 1950, she entered the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose and made her first profession of vows in 1952.

For 45 years, Sister Dolores Marie ministered in Catholic schools.  In San Francisco, she taught at  Immaculate Conception Elementary School, St. James School, Immaculate Conception Academy, and Riordan High School.  In the Oakland Diocese she was on the faculty of St. Elizabeth High School, Oakland; St. Patrick-St. Vincent High School, Vallejo; and Queen of the Holy Rosary College, Fremont.  In  Southern California, she taught at St. Michael Elementary School, Santa Teresita School, and Sacred Heart High School, Los Angeles, and San Gabriel Mission Elementary School,  San Gabriel.

Blessed with a gentle spirit and love for her religious community, Sister Dolores Marie dedicated her life to teaching and to study, a hallmark of Dominican life. Funeral services will be private.  

Burial will be at the Congregation’s cemetery, God’s Acre, located at the Motherhouse.

Sister Dolores Marie Calderwood, O.P.